Sunday, July 15

of lost strings and buttons

along the way,you stitch your bit of fabric.
it was yeats who wrote a poem(which a certain fisheelaydy introduced me to)about how dreams are like sheets of embroidered cloths,with interwoven blues and had to tread carefully upon them for they were all he had.
the strings are the connections..the links to people,the knots that sometimes happen.they can tug at the corners of your mind,sometimes with a sharp,nagging jerk and otherwise mere reminders of what your pathway in life involved.
the buttons are the ones you sew on make relationships and sometimes stitch them on extra tightly with the strings,hoping they wont fall off.
after all,you dont always get those neat little extra buttons(identically matching) in the inside of the fabric.

so what do i see now?
i cant find some buttons.there was a neat,perfect little pearltoned one iv had for 15 years.i didnt see it for a while but found some thread holding it on,however loosely.hope.

then the stubborn,hard,wooden one which held onto my fabric itself.i cut it off with a sharp pair of scissors and it fell down with a clunk.right now,im searching for it.not quite sure it has a place yet,though.
and theres the large red one,which smells of frenchfries,liquerchocolate,coconuts,the new year,cocoa,warmth,and something familiar which i havent found elsewhere.

it rolled off by itself into a dark little corner.there are times i see it glinting-but thats just to show its there.theres nothing connecting it to my fabric...except one worn,knotty little string.

the needles pricking my fingers and i cant be bothered to search for the other buttons...theyre drifting away into smoke,in and out,like mooring ships.

1 comment:

vergere6 said...

seriously... how'd you come up with this one?!? again, damn interesting- you're refreshingly weird!