Wednesday, March 19

limelight squeezer

limelight squeezer
inaudible screamer
"trawling your dark as owls do"
why do you sing so loudly?
how do you smile so widely?
where do those helium-filled promises fly to?

a spoonful of sugar and a bright blue sky.
a river of promises and empty canoes.

i find it hard to take you seriously.

thriving in a crowd like a baby on a milk high.
a weed in the flowerbed.
a needle in my finger.
why do i let you affect me so?
i dont crave the sky you seek so sweetly so unconscience-ly
without a care for all the little ants you trod on
so intent upon painting your words on that brick wall for all to see.

i find it hard to take u seriously.

momentous hugs,instant maggi happiness.
vows of great intent and little feeling.
little feeling or too much.

its like the eternal question while making that perfect cup of coffee.
"how much sugar?"

i find it hard to take you seriously.

i really do!

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