It smells of dust.
Dust along the underside of the wall that bellows up when I push my bed closer to the fan.
Dust on my bookshelf; there's a faint odour of guilt staining the edges of pages I haven't visited for many moons.
Dust on the rim of my purple spectacles.The closest anyone's come to doodling my likeness is when they colour in chunky purple frames. This is regardless of the fact that I barely wear 'em.
Dust on my sore pink toes and dust inside my Rockstar chappals.
Two glorious months in which anything can happen. I could go to Hampi or paint a pretty picture or read LOTR for the five-and-a-half-eth time.
Better yet, finish my comic book. Yet again. Surprisingly,I never got bored of it. The story refuses to die- I suppose it has links too personal for me to not imagine recreating it over and over again.
Oh, and how about baking a storm?A literal mountain of mousses and brownies and lemon crumble cake. That recipe for Banana-peanut butter bread has been stalking my brain for months now.
And I'll finish listening to all the assorted,much advised music on my I-tunes. And listen to Rubber Soul for the billionth time in a week, as it sounds better each time it flows through me.
And I'll make more resolutions and keep working like the day's going to die soon and plan and plot and feverishly obsess over exactly how profitable and 'all that' my next semester will be.It's nice to become this different sorta person over two years.
And I'll breathe in clean air that smells of sunlight and lazy sprinkler-studded grass and dream some more.
pah, you make the dust sound vaary saax as jassi would put it.
but mmmm, bananapeanutbreadthingy...Mmmmm.
dust is sexy.
if christina agui'leer'a can make sweat sexy I say daast...
also its an aamdavadi thing no.
this time, be good chaild and don't try to do internship and all..THIS is your last official summer holiday.
Ooh. You do make summer (ahem...) sound amazingly...well, saxx.
Get those cakes and breads and pies and brownies whenever you get back, but hey, when do you get back?
I'm back on the 14th. and how come you not wearing your rockstars, huh?
seduce with saxxy writing!
Something. Anything.
Coming up,soonly.
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