you walk into crossroads,and are bathed in yellows.
and of course its one of those aah!I see the light now! kinda moments.
i was soaked in chocolate flavoured coffee(doused by an earnest,apologetic friend who later allowed me to drink her coffee up)and dying for a restroom.walking past those rows of polished bookshelves,my eyes began flickering-
birdsswim fishfly-gayathri prabhu
the famished road-ben okri
half of a yellow sun-adichie
the rising tide-amitav ghosh
and i couldnt stop my feet from following my eyes and devouring all those titles.hungry was i,dying for a book to fall into.
or so i thought.
it was then,while browsing through these emotional,psychologically intrigueing capsules full of image-soaked ink blood that i heard a calling.
and i couldnt stop my feet from following my eyes and devouring all those titles.hungry was i,dying for a book to fall into.
or so i thought.
it was then,while browsing through these emotional,psychologically intrigueing capsules full of image-soaked ink blood that i heard a calling.
i wanted to write!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
like write properly,more than typing out random scraps and under/over dramatizing them(right from the heart of course)into my blogspace.at one point,my notebook with the cat in the fishbowl on its cover was my life.what i felt,i spilled onto its pages in a cryptic script which meant little to those who chanced upon it,but made more sense than the facts-of-life to me.
like write properly,more than typing out random scraps and under/over dramatizing them(right from the heart of course)into my blogspace.at one point,my notebook with the cat in the fishbowl on its cover was my life.what i felt,i spilled onto its pages in a cryptic script which meant little to those who chanced upon it,but made more sense than the facts-of-life to me.
i wanted my name to be on one of those intrigueing pieces of literature,and it was more than fame calling me.
to be more precise,it was
to be more precise,it was
Fine,laugh at me.but ive decided one thing after looking clearly at a coupla other things namely
#1-Im pursueing a diploma/degree in design,at a place i wanted to be in for a good portion of my life.
#2-on the other hand,anything i do as a lifecalling will definitly involve art(proper art,not this design technique nonsense of perrfectlineslineslines and principles and multidisciplinaryapproachyadayada)people(learning about them,being with them,the whole shindig) and literature.wherein i will write.
#1-Im pursueing a diploma/degree in design,at a place i wanted to be in for a good portion of my life.
#2-on the other hand,anything i do as a lifecalling will definitly involve art(proper art,not this design technique nonsense of perrfectlineslineslines and principles and multidisciplinaryapproachyadayada)people(learning about them,being with them,the whole shindig) and literature.wherein i will write.
it sounds so simple!
and i will be so happy!
nothings gonna change my world....lalalala..jai guru deva...
Ps-do note abovementioned books,my birthday occurs at the end of this year and such consideration will be truly appreciated.
bold decision... and from what I've seen, you can come up with some very unique write-ups... give it a shot then, your book... take that diploma... a lot of people regret not taking the plunge
my friend actually decided after two years into his engineering that he didn't like it at all... a lot of people at the end of their courses feel it was a waste of time, and wanna get into some other field altogether...
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